Indeed, the CRB raw industrial commodity price index recently reached its highest level since April. 美国商品研究局(CRB)工业原材料大宗商品价格指数,近期达到了自去年4月以来的最高水平。
Commodity price, interest rate and exchange rate fluctuate. 商品价格,利率及货币之汇率常在波动之中。
Also interesting, these big commodity price rises have always coincided with major wars throughout history. 非常有趣的是,通过历史可以看出,物价的上涨和人类历史上主要战争的进行是相吻合的。
The second question is how to run monetary policy when a large commodity price shock is under way. 第二个问题是,在严重的大宗商品价格冲击依然存在的情况下,如何实施货币政策。
The Analysis and Countermeasures to Negative Numbers Appearing in the Commodity Price in Financial Software 关于财务软件中商品单价出现负数问题的分析与对策
Yet these forecasts coincide with two huge events: the financial crisis and the commodity price shock. 然而,这一预测伴随着两个重大事件:金融危机和大宗商品价格冲击。
Information Commodity Price and Management of Fixing Price in China 我国信息商品的市场价格与定价管理
Over the long term, the performance of mining equities is largely correlated with commodity price fluctuations. 长期而言,矿业股的表现在很大程度上与大宗商品价格波动相关。
The Research of Utilizing Financial Futures to Avoid Commodity Price Risk 利用金融期货规避商品价格风险的研究
A long-term balance is noted among the Chinese bond prices and fixed-asset investment, net export, commodity price index, monetary supply, bank loans and foreign exchange reserves. 我国债券市场价格与固定资产投资、净出口、物价指数、货币供应量、金融机构存贷款和外汇储备存在长期均衡关系。
The woman's expectation to the man, compare the commodity price to rise still want quickly. 女人对男人的期望,比物价涨得还要快。
This year China will ensure continuously rapid growth of the national economy, and maintain the stability of commodity price and Renminbi exchange rate. 今年中国将确保国民经济继续快速增长,确保物价稳定和人民币汇率稳定。
For instance, the elasticity of commodity price and salary, and people's anticipated impact on social economy, etc. 如商品价格和工资的弹性,及人们的预期对社会经济的影响等。
Hedge can help them offset inventory loss when commodity price fall. 在商品价格下跌时,海琴能够帮助他们抵补存货价跌的损失。
Commodity price risk is simply the potential for adverse movements in commodity prices. 商品价格风险就是商品价格朝不利方向变动可能造成的潜在损失。
A prudent policy should reveal a balance of money supply and economic increase and commodity price expectation. 货币政策回归稳健应该表现为货币供应量与经济增长和物价预期调整幅度相适应。
Some are also concerned about the sale of mining assets at a low point in the commodity price cycle. 也有人担心此时出售矿业资产正逢大宗商品价格周期的低谷。
Further, high output growth among these economies has been an important factor in the global commodity price boom. 此外,这些经济体产出的高增长也是全球大宗商品价格暴涨的主要原因之一。
Q.What will the commodity price boom mean to the U.S.agricultural land prices? 如果大宗商品价格将来暴涨,这对美国的农田价格会有什么影响?
They see the uptick in certain headline inflation rates as one-off adjustments to the price level, reflecting commodity price rises or import price rises rather than a self-reinforcing process of price rises feeding household and company inflation perceptions. 他们认为一些整体通胀数据的上扬是对价格水平的一次性调整,反映了大宗商品价格的上涨,或进口价格的上升,而不是一个会促成居民家庭和企业通胀感知的自我强化的价格上升过程。
The commodity price changes in relation to the change in the of supply and demand. 商品价格会随着供求关系的变化而变化。
The answer to the first comes in two main parts: continued financial distress and commodity price rises. 第一个问题的答案来自于两大方面:持续的金融危机和大宗商品价格上涨。
It expected rising inflationary pressures due to higher prices of fuel, food and general commodity price to have a negative impact on disposable income. 它预计由于燃料、食品和日用品价格的提高而不断增长的通胀压力将会对可支配收入产生消极的影响。
World Commodity Price Fluctuation and China Factor: New Challenge on China's Economic Growth in Globalization 国际商品价格波动与中国因素&我国开放经济成长面临新问题
In short terms, it will decrease actual balancing and increase commodity price. 短期内,它会引起居民实际收支余额的下降和物价水平的提高。
Price index is an another which reflects commodity price level in different periods or different regions. 价格指数是反映不同时期或不同地域商品价格水平的一种相对数。
A big contribution to inflation, particularly for food, comes from the commodity price boom. 通胀尤其是食品通胀的一个主要致因是大宗商品价格的攀升。
The report suggests new mechanisms to reduce the impact of commodity price shocks. 这份报告还提出了降低商品价格冲击影响的一些新机制。
Last year's pullback in prices was a typical mid super cycle break in the commodity price upswing. 去年的价格回落,是大宗商品价格上行过程中典型的超级周期中继。
Commodity price index with the currency exchange ratio, or the price is the value of currencies. 价格是商品同货币交换比例的指数,或者说,价格是价值的货币表现。